Thursday, 21 July 2011

Indications of temporality

The below speaks for itself: funny signs I've seen in SE Asia.

'Pleasonable' (adjective): Based on good sense, brings pleasure to the recipient.
I have a good offer for you that I think you will like; it is very pleasonable.
Cat Ba Island, Vietnam

Translation: (1) Place life jacket on body (2) Tie strap at front (3) Secure around your back (4) Apply an extra layer of lipstick so you're looking fiiiiinne when you drown.
Ferry, Vietnam

The staff were a little perplexed and upset when I informed them of the suspicious thing I found during my ablutions.
Starbucks bathroom, Tokyo.

It's a little known fact that Barry Chuckle went on to design advertising stickers after the decline in popularity of the Chuckle Brothers.
Tokyo Metro. 

Safety is delicious! Not saluting whilst chowing down is even better.
Sushi Bar, Tokyo airport

I love the combination of the slightly puritanical message of this sign with the subversive and humourous fish love.
Ko Phi Phi, Thailand

Reaches the parts other massages can't.
Chiang Mai, Thailand

<Another competition! Following the complete lack of interest success of the last competition here's another chance to get involved to win sweet bugger all.  Tell me, via the comments field, what the original title of this posting was, before I purposefully stuck it through a pretension machine.  First to get it right wins!  Just say what you see...>


  1. My momentary interpretations of what was actually meant ! First thoughts! - what goes on in the world of Ian's mind?

  2. my guess is - "Sign of the Times". Film geek I may be, but I am shite at crossword clues

  3. Mark, Mark, Mark. I'll have to ban you from these comps. Yes, you are, once again, exactly right. Good work. Luckily for me I can now split the prizes you are soon to receive from the last competition (which I'm really rather pleased with) and pretend they're separate.

  4. Phunny Sings for Pleasonable Perusal ?

    from a bungalow in Guirdon Sullon
